
We are sponsors and partners of La Huella Verde.

by | Feb 23, 2024

We are sponsors and partners of La Huella Verde.

The EDUCA EDTECH Foundation, in our continuous search to generate a positive impact on society and the environment, has decided to become a sponsor and partner of La Huella Verde, a local initiative with a global reach.

This movement aims to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The intention is to make the city of Granada a more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable city to become a European Green Capital. Both La Huella Verde and the EDUCA EDTECH foundation are aligned in the objective of contributing to a sustainable territorial management and in establishing a common action framework that allows us to color our footprints with a hopeful green.

EDUCA EDTECH Foundation aligned with the Green Footprint

Through this collaboration, our foundation seeks not only to promote environmental and social awareness, but also to inspire other companies and organizations to join this collective effort for a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

We recognize the importance of active community participation in achieving these goals and are committed to working closely with all sectors of society to build a more prosperous and resilient future for our city and its people.

Together we can make a significant difference in building a better world for present and future generations.

Sustainability at the core of the strategic plan 2024-2026

Within the framework of our foundation’s strategic plan for 2024-2026, sustainability has been established as one of its main lines of action. Together with other areas, €24,000 will be allocated to promote initiatives that promote sustainable practices in all areas.

Our investment in sustainability will cover a variety of areas including support for projects such as La Huella Verde that promote environmental conservation and social welfare.

The development of our comprehensive plan is aligned with the values of EDUCA EDTECH Group, and will not only have as its mission to transform education through technology, but also to do so in a way that is compatible with the preservation of the environment and the well-being of future generations.

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