1×06 | Normalization, empathy and support. Mental health challenges

by | Sep 9, 2024

Mental health

Little by little, mental health is ceasing to be a taboo subject and is beginning to be visible in a society that is increasingly demanding measures against what may be one of the pandemics of this century.
Not long ago, saying…. “I’m going to the psychologist”, gave vertigo, it was to put on the table something that was not talked about in public: mental disorders.

Fortunately, something is changing.
From celebrities to elite athletes, whom we have always looked up to for mental strength and discipline, are publicly acknowledging that it’s okay to raise your hand and ask for help.

That is precisely what the SAPAME association is dedicated to, providing care to people suffering from mental disorders, while fighting against the stigma that has historically been associated with them.
Don’t miss this new episode of ‘Generation EdTech’.

Learn more about what we do at: https://educaedtech.foundation/


Little by little, mental health is ceasing to be a taboo subject and is beginning to be visible in a society that is increasingly demanding measures against what may be one of the pandemics of this century.
Not so long ago, saying “I’m going to the psychologist” was vertigo-inducing.
It meant putting on the table something that was not talked about in public: mental disorders.
Fortunately, something is changing.
From celebrities to elite athletes, whom we have always had as references of mental strength and discipline, are putting on the table that it is okay to raise your hand and ask for help.

That is precisely what the SAPAM association is dedicated to: providing care to people suffering from mental disorders, while fighting against the stigma that has historically been associated with them.
So today I have with me Asunción Liñán, president of SAPAME, and José Domingo Morales, treasurer – or former treasurer, rather – and one of the founding members of this association.
Welcome, Asunción, Sensi and José Domingo, to our podcast Generación Tec.

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