EDUCA EDTECH Foundation and Food Bank of Granada united for a solidary cause.
The Euroinnova Foundation strengthens its commitment to the Food Bank of Granada through the signing of a collaboration agreement, with the aim of establishing a solid foundation to promote, collaborate and generate synergies between both parties. The signing took place on June 16 with the attendance, on behalf of the Food Bank Foundation of Granada, its president Mr. Manuel Marchal Millán and the technician of the Labor Insertion Area Ms. Custo Cortés López and on behalf of the Euroinnova Foundation its director, Ms. Josefa Azor Mesas.
The Grenada Food Bank is an organization that embraces a noble mission: to combat food insecurity and ensure that all citizens have access to adequate food. The Food Bank Foundation of Granada aspires to be an institution at the service of the most needy in the community. It wishes to be recognized both by charitable entities and by collaborating companies, official bodies and society in general, as a reference in the field of volunteer organizations. Its transparency and efficiency are the fundamental pillars on which its work is based.
The Food Bank of Granada stands out for its tireless dedication to the collection and distribution of food to people in vulnerable situations.
The Food Bank of Granada stands out for its tireless dedication to the collection and distribution of food to people in vulnerable situations. Its main objective is to take advantage of food surpluses and avoid food waste, channeling these resources to those who need them most, thanks to the generosity of companies, producers and volunteers. In addition, they carry out a valuable Social and Labor Insertion project, which consists of providing support to groups that are in a disadvantaged position. This activity is deeply rooted in the Food Banks, who, indirectly, already carry out this work on a daily basis to increase the welfare of numerous families.
EDUCA EDTECH Foundation and Banco de Alimentos partnership
For its part, one of the main objectives of the Euroinnova Foundation is to improve the quality of life of the most disadvantaged groups. It strives to generate opportunities, promote inclusion and provide support in a variety of areas, including food, education and employment. Its approach is based on the conviction that all individuals deserve access to a full and dignified life, regardless of their socioeconomic status.
The alliance established between the Euroinnova Foundation and the Food Bank of Granada is a significant step towards achieving their respective goals. Through this collaboration agreement, both entities are committed to working together to maximize the positive impact on society.

This strategic alliance will expand the reach of both organizations, reaching a greater number of people in vulnerable situations and providing them with comprehensive support that includes not only food, but also education and employment. Through joint programs, we will seek to promote the autonomy and personal development of the beneficiaries, providing them with tools and opportunities so that they can move forward and build a more prosperous future.
In short, the Euroinnova Foundation and the Food Bank of Granada join forces to more effectively address the challenges of food insecurity and social exclusion. By working together, they aim to establish a solid and exemplary model of collaboration that will inspire other organizations to join this noble cause. Both entities are firmly committed to the struggle to build a more just and equitable society, where all citizens can enjoy a dignified and fulfilling life.