2×03 | Understanding 21st Century Addictions

by | Oct 9, 2024

New technologies, new addictions

Ours, as you know, is a society of constant stimuli that lives fast and craves immediate gratification.

We live among constant peaks of dopamine offered by new technologies, to the point where we have normalized and trivialized concepts such as being hooked on something: a series, a video game, the cell phone…

These are the new addictions that are based on old habits. Addictions that, unfortunately, come in addition to the old familiar ones that are still there, lurking: alcohol and other drugs, soft and hard. It is in this dichotomy, between the new problems and the old ones, where the Proyecto Hombre association brings all its experience and know-how accumulated over 40 years of treating addictions.

So today, in Generation EdTech, I have with me Manuel Mingorance, president of Proyecto Hombre in Granada, to help me understand the origin of addictions and how the old ghosts are conjugated with the new ones, very attached to technology.

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